Среднесрочное планирование по английскому языку

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research an animal in order to gain an in-depth
understanding of the problems and possible solutions for a particularObservations and
oral questioning
Written comments
on childrens work
Written work and
Evaluation of
lessons in planningExtension:
Write some
evidence that there
are forces working
in the classroom.
Draw a diagram to
show that.
Pupils to be helped
to read and understand the pages. To talk over
the questions with the teacher and answer them verbally before
writing the answers in their bookResources:
Ex: 16. 17 p54

Form VII
Medium term plan
II term
2015 y

Step Four
The Green world
(2 hours)

14. 11. 2015
17. 11. 2015

a specific site
Assess sites potential as a
suitable habitat for a
specific species
Identify an area of the site
that would include the
most habitat elements for a
specific species
To increase understanding and confidence in producing lesson plans suitable for secondary
school outdoor education sessions.
Identify a suitable study site for
students, either on or near
school grounds. (A current or
future Schoolyard Habitats loca-
tion makes an excellent study
site). Study sites should poten-
tially provide habitat for at least
4 to 7 different species. Describe another location in the community familiar to the students. Provide photographs, maps, or diagrams if
needed. Ask them what they would include in a survey of that site.
2. Give students the results of another survey (perhaps completed by another class for another site), and ask them to suggest a plan to improve habitat quality

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