Среднесрочное планирование по английскому языку

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at that site.
Write some
evidence that there
are forces working
in the classroom.
Draw a diagram to
show that. 匍灵潰瑲ഺ畐楰獬琠敢栠汥数潴爠慥湡湵敤獲慴摮琠敨瀠条獥潔琠污癯牥琍敨焠敵瑳潩獮眠瑩桴整捡敨湡愠獮敷桴浥瘠牥慢汬敢潦敲眍楲楴杮琠敨愠獮敷獲椠桴楥潢歯吇潯獬映牯漠獢牥楶杮眠汩汤晩㩥
field guides, binoculars,
hand lenses (optional)
Habitat worksheets
Ex: 8 page 57
Ex: 16. 17 page 59

Step Five
Living Plants
(2 hours)
21. 11. 2015
24. 11. 2015
To recognize that there are different types of plants and animals in a local environment.
To name some plants and animals and understand that they require different habitats to live.
To relate simple life processes to plants and animals found in a local environment.
The learner will:
compare different ways of reading fiction and nonfiction text.
recall facts from a nonfiction text.
participate in a scientific experiment.
respond to an investigation through charts and writing. Watch Learning Zone Class Clips - Plants and animals around us. Ask each group to record as many plants and animals as possible.
Take the children outside into the local environment/school field and spend two minutes recording all the plants and animals they can see (use reference books to determine the names of any unfamiliar plants).
Ask the children, in their table groups, to name as many differences they can think of between plants and animals.
. Three points: Students created legible, complete KWLQ charts that showed great thought and comprehension of scientific classification; successfully researched answers to three or more questions
Two points: Students created mostly legible, complete KWLQ charts that showed some thought and comprehension of scientific classification; successfully

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