Среднесрочное планирование по английскому языку

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K "http://www. discoveryeducation. com/" http://www. discoveryeducation. com
1. Ex: 11. 12
on page 42
Ex:16. 17
on page 44

Step Two
Omars album
(2 hours)
20. 10. 2015
24. 10. 2015
Look at pictures of adaptations present in caterpillars of Omars album and discuss their significance
Model a stylized caterpillar out of recycled materials
Exhibit good craftsmanship in their finished pieceTalking of the danger, fish, blue whales and rhinosObservations and
oral questioning
Written comments
on childrens work
Written work and
Evaluation of
lessons in planningExtension:
Write some
evidence that there
are forces working
in the classroom.
Draw a diagram to
show that.
Pupils to be helped
to read and understand the pages. To talk over
the questions with the teacher and answer them verbally before
writing the answers in their bookResources:
HYPERLINK "http://www. freeclubweb. com/powerpoints/science/index. html" Free Presentations in PowerPoint format for K-12 Science
1. Ex: 9
on page 47
2. Ex:14. 15
19 САҒАТ 1. Students will develop empathy, concern, and awareness of and about
endangered animals.
2. Students will understand the major factors that cause animals to
become rare, threatened, endangered, and extinct
3. Students will gain an understanding of what is presently being done to
save endangered animals.
4. Students will explore their own ideas of what needs to be done, as well
as what individuals and groups can do, to help save endangered
animals. In pairs, students will

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