Среднесрочное планирование по английскому языку

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the answers in their bookResources:
Ex: 4 page 104
Ex: 13 page 106

Step Three
(2 hours)
9. 02. 2016
13. 02. 2016
1. Describehowmuchwalkingisrequiredtoachievehealthbenefits.
2. Identify three benefits of walking.
3. Identify three ways to include walking in their day.
4. Identify ways to address one of the barriers they face in starting, maintaining or
increasing their walking.
5. Set goals to increase and maintain their walking behavior.
6. Understand and use Sun Safety information to plan their walks. The brain is divided into two hemispheres that utilize two different modes of thinking. In each individual, one side of the brain is more dominant than the other side.
Brain dominance affects how a person processes information (learns).
How a person learns affects personality and behavior.
Whether people are right-brain dominant or left-brain dominant, they possess characteristics of both hemispheres in their personalities and behavior. After the activity and discussion, quiz students about appropriate strategies for dealing with stress. You might pose specific situations and have students suggest appropriate responses. Alternatively, students might role-play appropriate responses to stressful situationsExtension:
I will be available
to answer questions that
pupils might have regarding extra
aspects of this subject.
Some pupils will work with the teacher while
others will use peer
support as a method of
HYPERLINK "http://www. educationworld. com/atsl/archives/03-1" http://www. educationworld. com/atsl/archives/03-1
Ex: 6 page 108
Ex: 13. 14 pag

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