Среднесрочное планирование по английскому языку

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Step Four
School rules
(2 hours)

16. 02. 2016
20. 02. 2016
1. Present roles plays of different settings that teachers or students brainstorm
2. Have students brainstorm different ways to solve put-down situations.
3. Have a class discussion regarding praising people. Relate stories about what is
happening in the halls.
4. Discuss/identify positive things about our school or other students.
5. End the day or a period where students are asked to state three to five positive things. Ask the students to match the idioms with the definition, individually and then in pairs,
before feeding back as a group.
For higher levels, a more interactive approach would be to cut up the idioms and
definitions and distribute them amongst the group of students. Students mingle to
find their matching pair of idiom and definition.
In assessing student work, check to see that the following was accomplished:
Students contributed to the discussion of positive behaviors.
Students created reasonable consequences for those who need more time to develop the behaviors.
A written list of class rules was formed from their responses.
The classroom pictures clearly show them participating in a positive way, and students are able to verbally communicate that to their peers. Extension:
Write some
evidence that there
are forces working
in the classroom.
Draw a diagram to
show that.
Pupils to be helped
to read and understand the pages. To talk over
the questions with the teacher and answer them verbally before
writing the answers in their bookResources:
Ex: 13 page 113
Ex: 16 page 114

Step Five
What shou

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