Рабочая программа по английскому языку 7 класс к УМК В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова

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3) основывать, учреждать, организовывать; time - 1) время 2) раз);
oo синонимы (to damage - to destroy - to spoil, to be keen on - to be fond of);
oo антонимы (to appear - to disappear);
oo фразовые глаголы (to give up, to fall out, etc. );
oo речевые функции: asking someone to say something again (I am sorry, what did you say? I beg your pardon. Could you repeat . . . , please?); accepting a suggestion (Id love to. Certainly. ); asking for meaning (What do you mean? Can you explain what you mean by . . . ?); asking if someone can do something (Do you know how to . . . ? Do you know anything about . . . ?); refusing a suggestion (Unfortunately, . . . Id like to, but . . . ); saying you agree (How true. Im with you there. ); saying you are bored (Actually, I dont find . . . /it very interesting. It sounds boring. ); saying you are excited (Really? Thats wonderful! I find . . . /it exciting. It sounds like fun. ); saying you are ready to do something (Id be happy to . . . , No problem. Why not?); saying you are worried (Im worried about . . . Im (very) concerned about . . . ); saying you can do something (I know how to . . . Im really (quite) good at . . . ); saying you dont understand (Im sorry, but I have a question. Sorry, I dont quite understand. I didnt (quite) get you. ); saying you partly agree (Yes, maybe, but . . . Agreed, but . . . ); showing you are listening (Really? Indeed? I see. ); suggesting (How about . . . ? We might (as well) . . . Why dont we . . . ?).
основные способы словообразования:
oo аффиксацию: суффиксы существительных (-ment (experiment, ornament), -tion (donation, contribution, pollution), -er (winner, writer), -or (actor), -ian (musician), -ist (pianist, specialist), -ledge (knowledge); прилагательных (-al (env

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