Поведение в обществе

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rs to learning and going to school.
I think we will learn about different schools,
subjects and ways of learning both in Russia and
in other countries. Id like to learn not only about
schools but also about best universities.
Look at Module 7 (работа с иллюстрациями)
Предполагаемый ответ:
рис. 1, с. 108
T: What page is the picture on?
S1: Its on page 108. Its a boy looking in a
T: Have you ever used a microscope?
S2: Yes, in science class.
T: What is your favourite subject? Why?
S3: History. I like to learn about the past and
important people.
рис. 2, с. 116
What is this picture of? What do you think the
girls are doing? How do you help your friends
when they have problems? What kind of problems
do we experience at school?
рис. 3, с. 107
What is the boy doing in the picture? In what
other ways do we communicate with others? Do
you use computers and mobiles to communicate
with your friends?
рис. 4, с. 110
What are the people in this picture doing? What is
a special school? Do you know of any special
schools? What would you like to study if you went
to a special school?
Модуль 7 Education
(ориентированные на достижение
предметных результатов обучения):
- освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые
лексические единицы по теме "Образование";
- научиться вести разговор о школьном образовании
и учебных предметах, использовании ИКТ в образо-
вании и жизни, средствах массовой информации,
компьютерных сетях;
- научиться проводить опрос (survey), писать сочи-
нение (эссе) с элементами рассуждения, статью об
известном российском университете;
- научиться расп

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