а родном языке. Cтих спрятан под одной из картинок. Учитель спрашивает знают ли дети автора? Любит ли автор зиму? И т. д.
Teacher: Lets brush up our phonetics. Repeat after me. T-- Group. Повторение звуков и слов.
II. Учебно-познавательная деятельность
3. Знакомство с задачами урока. Активизация изученного лексико-грамматического материала. Развитие устной речи учащихся.
Teacher:? Can you guess what photos weve seen in the beginning of lesson? Have you seen them earlier? Yes, you are right! It is our native village Satagay. So why do you think Ive presented you those photos?
Комментарий: Дети сами должны определить тему урока с помощью наводящих вопросов учителя)
Комментарий: Учащиеся знакомятся целью и задачами урока, которые появляются на интерактивной доске доске с помощью инструмента - переключатель.
4. Работа с картой Амгинского улуса
Now we are going to work with the map of Amginsky ulus. Can you point where the village Satagay is situated.
Teacher: Our village is surrounded by different districts. Do you know their names? What other settlements of Amginsky ulus do you know?
5. Чтение текста "Мое родное село Сатагай"
Teacher: Now it is time to read more about Satagay. Of course, you have already known about it a lot
Our native village Satagay
Satagay is located between Altan and Buteidekh. It is small? But very beautiful place. The landscapes are wonderful here: high hills, beautiful river Suola, big alases, lakes etc. there are fields and forests round the village
The population is more than 600 people. Our village is really agricultural one. We have got agricultural co-op after the name T. S. Lukin, the Hero of
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