Знаменитый писатель Р. Киплинг

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> 1). The main problem.
Teacher: "R. Kipling works are fine examples of the modern treatment of history- creative role of man in the world of men and beast.
2). Pupil 1: We are going to present our project "Just so stories". It was done by Tanya, Denis and Roma. So, lets start with some historical facts. Kipling traveled a lot; he visited America and Japan, Canada and France, South Africa. But the country he loved was India. The beauty of its exotic nature, its people and animal world influenced and inspired most of his works both for children and grown-ups. During 1887-1899 he wrote several of his most popular works, which took the reading by storm. The book "Just So Stories" was written in 1902. It is a fine example of the modern treatment of history. Kipling has a profound sense of history and his history was always human, human of the common people, never of kings and aristocrats. Kipling was a new master of fiction.
His first daughter Josephine was fond of his fathers stories and she asked her father to tell them every night. She wanted the story to be told just so! Thats why many years afterwards, when the stories were published, they got this title: "Just So Stories".
Pupil 2: As you know, the reader can easily see that there is something unusual in Kiplings stories. His characters behave in their own way. All the animals are as different from each other as we all are. The reader of the stories will never forget their wonderful rhythm. Most sentences sound like song line. "The great grey-green, greasy Limpopo River, all set about with fever-trees. " In his stories Kipling uses both formal and informal English - many nursery words: bunny, daddy, mixy, stripy, stickly-pickly. Kipling uses the formal

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