Знаменитый писатель Р. Киплинг

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urself when а11 men doubt уоu.
if you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch.
Group 2 - if уоu саn think - and not make thoughts your aim;
- if уоu саn make оnе heap of а11 your winning;
- If you саn force your heart - and nerve and sinew.
- Dont give way to hating never breathe а word about your loss.
6). Teacher: "In Russian literature М. Gorky wrote "Человек - это звучит гордо. "
N. Ostrovsky said: "Жизнь надо прожить так, чтобы не было мучительно больно
за бесцельно прожитые годы . . . "
And R. Kipling wrote about the role of а real Маn in our life too. How do you understand?
- I agree with the view that a Man should be noble, decent all around. Besides, we are proud of being a man. I think that values and believes of people should express only positive features of a real Man.
- In general we prefer to be a real Man but often we have a lot of bad habits: pride, envy, anger. The Bible set down the Seven Deadly Sins. However, modern sins are in fact far more deadly. Smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs affects the people around you and we have to think about "a real man".
On the one hand Im often struck by the beauty of peoples souls and the kindness in their hearts. On the other hand more violence, more vandalism exists than it did some years ago. Im sure young people must change the world to the best.
7). Pupils discuss the project:
-It gave a clear/poor explanation
-It offered some new/dull information
-It had convincing arguments for/against
To sum up, they agree:" The project is fantastic".
V. Presenting and discussing the Project "Just so stories".

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