William Shakespeare. Hamlet

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se he loves Ophelia. He is a calm person, but in some situations he is aggressive and decisive.
G3: Laertes is aggressive and dishonest, besides he is violent and decisive. But we think that he also sensitive, because he loved his sister.
G4: Ophelia loved Hamlet. She is romantic, sensitive and kind.
Teacher: Well done.

Итоги урока
Teacher: Today we had a great opportunity to read the most famous tragedy. Do you like it? Who wants to read its full version? What interesting facts have you found out today? Maybe some of you will want to read the other plays or watch them in the theater.
Домашнее задание
Учитель предлагает пересказать данный текст от лица любого действующего лица.
Teacher: Now its time to write down your homework. Try to retell this story from the part of Hamlet, Claudius, Laertes or Gertrude. (Распределение ролей производит учитель).

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