What is the weather like in Russia

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Название этапаМетодическая задачаКоммуникативная задачаОтветы учащихсяРежим работыВремяСредства
IОрганизационный момент- поприветствовать учащихся;
- познакомиться;
- настроить учащихся на работуStand up, please. Good afternoon, my dear boys and girls! Im glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? -, tell me, please, what date is it today? I hope you are ready for your English lesson. You should have a pen, a pencil, a book, an exercise-book and diary. Are you ready? So, lets start our lesson.
Good afternoon. Im glad to see you too.
Im fine.
Today is the 7th of February.
T- Cl
IIФонетическая зарядкаТренировать уч-ся в произношении англ. звуковChildren, first lets train our tongue. Look at the blackboard, please. Lets learn the poem. Repeat after me all together.
Spring is green.
Summer is bright.
Autumn is yellow.
Winter is white.
Thank you, boys and girls. Very good! Дети повторяют словаT- Cl
IIIРечевая зарядка- тренировать учащихся на базе ранее изученных структурAnd now, children, answer my questions:
What season do you like?
And what is your favourite season?
Thank you for your answers.
Good for you.
1) I like …
2)My favourite season is …T- Cl
IVЭкспозиция темы урока-познакомить уч-ся с темой урока;
-заинтересовать предстоящей работой Today we continue to talk about what is your favourite season. The weather in Great Britain is not like in Russia. Ann and Dan want to know about the weather in Russia. And the topic of our lessons is What is the weather like in Russia?
T- Cl
VАктивизация ЛЕ по теме «Weather»- активировать знание уч-ся ЛЕ, обозначающих погодные условия. And now, children, let

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