Welcome to America

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4)Вопросы викторины- Кто быстрее назовет правильный ответ?.
-These mountains are in the east (The Appalachians).
-These mountains are in the west. The highest peak is more than 4000 metres. (The Cordillera, Mt. Mckinley)
-It is the territory where the greatest river of the USA flows (The Central Lowlands)
-These lakes are between the USA and Canada (The Great Lakes)
-These waterfalls are the largest in America. They are on the river between the USA and Canada (The Niagara Falls)
-This river is the greatest one of the USA. It flows into the Gulf of Mexico. Native Americans called it "The father of waters" (The Mississippi).
-This state is the largest. Its situated in the north-west and separated from the USA by Canada (Alaska).
-This city is in the District of Columbia. (Washington).

5)Учитель: Now its time to get to know about the parks of the USA. Take the cards with the text about one of them. Look through the text, read the statements and write "true- false".
Yellowstone, the First National Park.
Yellowstone is the United States first and most famous national park. This large wilderness area is very high in the Rocky Mountains of the northwestern U. S.
It includes large areas of Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, and it is bigger than the smallest state in the U. S.
Yellowstone became the worlds first national park in 1872 and has many different kinds of unusual scenery. Although millions of people visit the park, the land is still unchanged - still a wilderness. The valley of the Yellowstone River has beautifully coloured rocks and three large waterfalls. In the early morning or evening, visitors sometimes see moose, large deer-like animals, or buffalo eating

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