Welcome to America

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grass along the shores of Lake Yellowstone.
In winter, Yellowstone Park is covered with heavy snow, but visitors still come to ski and skate. With clouds of steam above them and snow all around, Yellowstones hot springs look even more wonderful.
6) Are these statements true or false?
Yellowstone is the United States first and most famous national park.
Yellowstone National Park is bigger than the largest state in the U. S.
Millions of people visit the park.
In the early morning or evening visitors sometimes see moose or buffalo eating grass along the shores of Lake Yellowstone.
Yellowstone Park has many areas with hot springs and geysers or hot water fountains.
In winter Yellowstones hot springs look even more wonderful.
7). Учитель: I want you and our guests to take part in solving the crossword puzzle.
Who gave his name to America?
How are the people of the USA called?
What is the national symbol of America?
Who is believed to have sewn the first American flag?
Who are the native people of America?
Who is remembered in history as the man who discovered America? What is the largest state of the USA?
8). Подведение итогов.
9). Домашнее задание повторить новые слова, подготовить рассказ об Америке.

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