Welcome to America

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>2. Ответить на вопросы
Why is Columbus remembered in history?
Is it true or not?
What can you say about this fact?
Where had he actually set off?
Why do people think so?
What about the people living on that land?
So Columbus wasnt even the first European to reach America, was he?
What had happened 500 years before?
But in many ways he was certainly a hero, wasnt he?
3. Подготовленные выступления учеников об Америке:
In March, some years ago. . .
March 30, 1867: U. S. Purchased Alaska from Russia.
Russias claim to Alaska went back to the early eighteenth century, when Vitus Jonassen Bering explored the region. However, the Russians considered their North American territory an economic wasteland, and made little effort to develop or colonize the region. Russia initially approached the United States about selling the territory in 1860, during President James Buchanans administration,but negotiations were delayed by the Civil War.
The negotiations were concluded with the signing of a treaty on March 30, 1867. Under the terms of the treaty, the U. S. acquired full control of the former Russian possession for a price of ,200,000, or approximately 2 cents an acre for the 586,412-square-mile territory.
Sewards thinking appeared less foolish by the late 1890s, when the discovery of gold greatly increased Alaskas value as a U. S. possession.
У 2 Americas Last Great Wilderness.
Many people have come north to the largest state in the U. S. to look for a more peaceful life, or to enjoy the beauty of nature and the freedom of Alaskas wide open spaces. Some newcomers prefer a life alone in the wilderness. Other people come to Alaskas growing cities to work in the fishing and lumber industrie

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