Среднесрочное планирование по английскому языку

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& Homework

Having fun!
(2 hours)

26. 04. 2016
30. 04. 2016
Examine statistics related to the readership and popularity of romance novels.
Break down and analyze the behavior of a woman who reads romance novels and tries to recreate a fantasy from a novel in her real life.
Determine which psychological theory of motivation best explains this womans behavior. 1. Ask students to describe the person they think is the typical buyer of romance novels in the United States. Prompt them to respond with details about gender, age, marital status and where in the country that person might live. Lead a brief class discussion that results in a consensus about the profile of a typical buyer.
Observations and
oral questioning
Written comments
on childrens work
Written work and
Evaluation of
lessons in planningExtension:
Compare student analyses from the main lesson activity. Have each pair of students share its thinking with the rest of the class. Which theory of motivation best explains Hirokos behavior? Did each pair come to the same conclusion? Why or why not? Did male students think differently about Hirokos behavior than female students? Does student diversity influence conclusions? Explain. Resources:
Internet access and equipment to show the class online video and conduct research
Handout: Buyers of Romance Novels in the United States (PDF file)
Handout: Guilty Pleasures Viewing Guide: Dancing in Tokyo (PDF file)
Exercises: 4
Page 150
Exercises: 8. 9
Page 152

Sport and games
(1 hour)

3. 05. 2016
Sports vocabulary, question forms using the verbs play and do
or common

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