Среднесрочное планирование по английскому языку

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ture (621: 18A)
2) Culture: Describe ways in which societal issues influence creative expressions
(622: 18C)
3) Culture: Identify examples of art, music and literature that have transcended the
boundaries of societies and convey universal themes (623: 18D)
Divide the class into five groups. Each group will be responsible for reporting
about 1 of the 5 countries that define the Central Asian region. (i. e. , one group will
be Kazakhstan, one group will be Turkenmistan, followed by Uzbekistan,
Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. )
2. Distribute the following worksheets: Central Asia: Political Map, Central Asia:
As a class, review worksheet responses. Ask students to highlight the boundaries of Central Asia on their blank maps.
Then, using a broader definition of Central Asia, have students list questions (and answers) for each kind of map. Remind students that the questions should reinforce the purpose of each type of map as well as the significant features of Central Asia. If time allows, have students answer each others questions. Maps are used to provide a wide range of information about a particular area. In this lesson, students will use physical, political, and thematic maps to investigate the geography of Central Asia through a scavenger hunt. Students will explore ways in which the region of Central Asia is defined and will create their own map-based scavenger hunt for other students to solve.
This lesson is one in a series developed in collaboration with The Asia Society , with support from the Freeman Foundation, highlighting the geography and culture of Asia and its peopleResources:
slides (Presentation)
Exercises: 4
Page 144
To write an essay

Test yourself


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