Среднесрочное планирование по английскому языку

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rb light.
I will be able to develop questions that guide scientific inquiry.
I will be able to conduct scientific investigations individually and in teams: lab activities, field studies.
I will be able to communicate observations orally and in writing.

Language: I will be able to use at least 3 of the vocabulary terms while working with my group.
The students will then use their activity sheet to try to
align their group so that the light travels through all of the index cards and lights up the light bulb
that is drawn on the last index card.

Enrichment Activities: Allow students to experiment with the cards and or mirrors (if
available) to find other ways to get the flashlight beam to light up the index card.

Students will be assessed throughout the activity on their participation as well as
on their activity sheet. Extension:
Write some
evidence that there
are forces working
in the classroom.
Draw a diagram to
show that.
Pupils to be helped
to read and understand the pages. To talk over
the questions with the teacher and answer them verbally before
writing the answers in their book
laser pointer, hair spray, large index cards, crayons or markers,
scissors, flashlight, activity sheet
Exercises: 5
Page 140
Exercises: 9
Page 142

Have you been to central Asia?
(2 hours)

16. 04. 2016
19. 04. 2016To enrich pupils knowledge by this theme
To develop pupils abilities in speech
To educate the feelings of love towards our Motherland- Kazakhstan 1) Culture: Explain the relationships that exist between societies and their
architecture, art, music and litera

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