ou see on the slide? Repeat these words after me together. Russian and English words are mixed. (Приложение1) Find the pair of these words. Look at the board and check.
3. Актуализация знаний и введение нового материала. (Технология интегрированного обучения, системно-деятельностная технология, информационно-компьютерная технология. )
3. 1. Выделение темы урока. Целеполагание. (Технология интегрированного обучения. )
- Lets look at the slide. Try to match the countries to their flags.
- Right! How do you think, what the theme of our lesson is? Well done! Itis "Countries and nationalities".
3. 2. Словообразование. (Системно-деятельностнаятехнология, информационно-компьютерная технология).
-You can make the nationality from the name of the country by adding different suffixes. Look at the slide.
Italian Canadian Australian
NNew Zealander
- Lets read and translate. You have the same tables on your desks, you need to glue them into your notebooks at home. (Приложение 2)
3. 3. Аудирование. (Системно-деятельностная технология. )
- Now lets listen to the recorder. Page 36, exercise 1. Match the countries and nationalities.
-Well done! Tell me please: where are you from and what languages can you speak. You can use exercise 1a like a sample.
4. Минутка релаксации. (Здоровьесберегающиетехнологии. )
- So lets relax a bit. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine that you are in a beautiful garden. It is spring, birds are singing and leaves are rustling. You are feeling warm in each part of your body. Delicate flower fragrance is smelled. It is
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