t is the theme of our lesson?
T: Yes, you are right. The theme of our lesson is MY FAVOURITE DAY.
- And now look at the screen -Lets train our pronunciation:
n - morning, and , when
u: - school, afternoon, football
i: - we, teach , leader
ð - then, after that, with
1) Lets check up your homework: p 37 ex 9(tell us about your typical day).
2) What words are associated with the word "PERFECT DAY"?Fill in the spidergram, please.
Lets check up your variants
- they are about our daily routine.
повторяют изученную грамматику и лексику с места и у доски,
отрабатывают слухо-произносительные навыки, отвечают на вопросы, проверяют правильность дз
- отвечают на вопросы о своих занятиях утром, днем и вечером в будни ;
- There are 7 days a week.
-Sunday/Monday/Tuesday. . .
- My favourite day of the week is. . .
-The theme of our lesson my favourite day.
Кластеры в парах по теме, выступают с презентацией о своем типичном дне
экран, картинки,
фиксирование индивидуального затруднения в пробном учебном действии
Выявление места и причины затруднения
3) What do you know and what would you like to know today? Fill in please these cards:
7 days of the week
Which is Anns favourite day? Why?
Linkers ( and, then, after that, when, before, later)
What is your favourite day? Can you describe it?
-What do you know and what you dont know?
Заполняют личную карту
Построение проекта выхода из затруднения (цель, способ, план, средство)
What shall we do at the lesson? What would you l
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