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was examined along three deictic dimensions: (a) the speaker, (b) the addressee, and (c) the referent(s). The immediate effect of the revolution on all three levels was the eradication of forms of address and reference terms associated with the royalty and aristocrats, and the introduction of some innovations in dimensions (b) and (c).
In general, it can be concluded that the revolution has promoted the use of reciprocal and solidary forms of address. However, honorific forms which are deep-rooted in the Iranian culture and have traditionally been an integrated part of the polite system of Persian have not been affected by the revolution. Thus, it seems that self-lowering and other-raising continue to be considered good virtues in the daily interaction of Iranian people. The only noticeable change in this respect is in the function of honorific terms, not in their forms. That is, before the revolution the use of polite forms in asymmetrical situations was often necessary and used as flattery, whereas under the present circumstances they are used voluntarily to express humility and politeness.
With respect to social factors affecting the choice of pronouns and forms of address, the main influence of the revolution has been on status and authority so much so that an ordinary person can publicly refer to high-ranking officials by the solidary form bæradær. On the other hand, the

revolution has had a positive and promoting effect on factors such as age and religion. As far as gender is concerned, the less frequent use of the solidary form of address xahær as opposed to bæradær seems to reflect the time-honored distance in interaction with females in the Iranian culture. Moreover, the use of the sex marker xanom instead of the new form xahær with titles

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