и мыслить;
v формировать умение работать в коллективе;
v воспитывать способность самостоятельно выполнять задания и нести ответственность за результаты своего труда;
Оборудование урока.
ü Ноутбук
ü Пректор
ü Интерактивная доска
ü Магнитофон,
ü Раздаточный материал – распечатки с заданиями к урок
Ход урока.
1. Орг. момент
Good morning, dear boys and girls. Today you see two teachers in the classroom. So it is unusual lesson today.
We speak about blood and blood circulation today
I usually start morning with reading the news in the Internet or just watch it on TV. I have found out a very interesting fact recently.
The group of blood influences the persons
They say that people of four groups of blood can have something common in their character.
2. Развитие навыков монологического и диалогического высказывания. Работа в парах.
Do you know your group of blood? What is it?Lets read what they say about your group and compare.
Group of blood
Its very important for you to be in the center of attention. You are ambitious and want to be leaders. But sometimes you can be selfish.
You are patient and accurate. But you can be obstinate and reserved.
You are always individual and independent, but on the other hand very emotional and sensitive.
You are very honest and tactful. You are good organizers. But its not easy for you to make a difficult decision.
Not all of you know your group of blood. So, ask your partner about the character and try to suppose about his or her group of blood.
Use the expressions to say about it:
I think
Im sure
He/she might have … beca
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