Жизнь и проблемы подростков

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by the sea.
2. She made to our REFER
conversation of the night before.
3. She is very to her work. DEDICATE
4. Pupils for were punished OBEDIENT
strictly at school.
5. The of goods will be essential PROVIDE
for the developing the area.
6. They help improve the quality of life by
sending expert to places. VOLUNTARY
7. This area of the city gained NOTORIOUS
For its high crime rate.

2. Substitute the words in brackets with the right form of the phrasal verb speak.



1. Mr. Clark (supported) the accepting almost all the amendments to the project, with some changes.
2. Nothing else is necessary. The exhibits (explained everything).
3. I would like to (say in favour of) the boy before you punish him.
4. (Expressing my own opinion), I find accommodation quite comfortable to stay at for a fortnight.
5. No one dared (to protest) against the new bill.
6. Nobody hears you, (talk louder), please.
7. He (protected) the person found guilty not honestly.
8. I shant (talk to) her if she doesnt recognize she was wrong.
9. Ill (scold) that boy the very minute he gets in!

Заключительная часть урока
1. Рефлексия

T. You have worked well today. Id like to get your impressions of our lesson.
Will you answer the following questions:
-Was the lesson informative?
-Was it useful?
-Was it interesting?
-What kind of activity did you like more?
-What new information have you learned?

T: So, we discussed the teens problems. But we want to show that there is another side of be

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