Жизнь и проблемы подростков

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with people of all ages
to find lifelong friends
to get over their complexes
to keep fit by doing exercises and having a healthy diet
not to shock people with their appearance and behavior
not to put their future at risk
not to make an idol of anyone
to remember that heavy use of computers can be dangerous
to say no to such social evils as drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking, eating junk food or gambling
to develop positive attitude to life and people

3) Проверка домашнего задания.

(Проекты учащихся по молодежным движениям)

T: Lets pass over to your home tasks. You were to make projects about youth cultures. Have you prepared them? Were short of time, so well listen to some of you today. Well start with Gapizov Murad. He has made a project about subcultures in the whole.
( Гапизов Мурад и Саитова Абидат презентуют субкультуры и задания по проекту)

4) Чтение.
T: We have to improve your reading skills too. To each group Ill give teenagers letters to Angela, who works for the youth magazine "Shout". First you will read the letters and then do the tasks.

(Учащиеся читают письма и выполняют задания.
( письма и задания в приложении))
T: and now tell us what problems do teens have?
Gr. 1 : The girl has problems with her parents, mainly with her mum. Shes in the top group for every subject, but parent pay too much attention to her h/w. She says that she is under the strain.
Gr. 2: The author of the letter has problems with his classmates. He works at the post office. His friends make fun of him because he is not very rich. So he thinks theres something wrong with him and he as

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