Жизнь и проблемы подростков

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ing a teenager. Attention on the screen (просмотр видео учеников положительной стороне подростков

2. Домашнее задание

T: Now write down your homework. You have to learn new words and to answer the teens letters. The next lesson well read Angelas advice and compare with your one.

3. Прощание
T: Really, where there is a will there is a way. I believe, youll learn to free you life from problems and make it happier.
-Have a nice day without any problems. Thank you. Good-bye.
Group 1
Lena Carrington, 13
Dear Angela,

My parents are getting me down about my homework. Its mainly my mum. She always asking me about it and making sure its done. If I want to do anything at weekend she makes me do all my homework in advance before Im allowed out.
She recently saw a comment from my teacher about my work. I had handed it in later than other students. Im in the top group for every subject and often get the highest marks in the class.
My mum and dad went mad about the comment. I know they only want me do well and Ive spoken to my mum about it but it didnt work.
Please help me as Im under so much strain.
Im nearly 14.
Look through Lenas letter and find in it the sentences having similar meaning with the following:
1. They pay too much attention to my. . . . .
2. My mother doesnt let me out before I do my. . . .
3. Im the best student in my class. . . .
4. I feel so uncomfortable.
5. They were very angry because of. . .
6. It didnt help me to convince her.

Group 2
Bill Barrington, 13
Dear Angela,

Lately all my mates have forgotten about me. Ive got a job for the holidays at the local post office.

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