Жизнь и проблемы подростков

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- active, autonomous, appreciative
G - groaning, grinning, grim
E - ever-questioning, eager to. . . .
R - raucous, reactive, realistic
S - sensitive, self- doubt
6. Основная часть урока. Работа в группах.

1) Речевая разминка.
T: Now, pupils, today we will work in cooperation and it means that you have to split into groups.
(учащиеся делятся на 3 группы и обучаются в сотрудничестве)
T: Well start with teenagers problems. Discuss in your groups what problems young people have to face nowadays. Each group has some pictures. You have 15 seconds to discuss them and try to guess what problems they are about. Then were to make the mind-map.
Dont forget using the phrases expressing your own opinion.

-From our point of view. . .
-Theres no doubt. . .
-It seems to me. . .
-I dont deny that. . .
-It goes without saying. . .
-I consider that. . .
-Its obvious that. . .
-Im convinced that. . .
-It is reasonable to think. . .
-As far as I can judge. . .
-I must confess. . .

I gr. We consider that the most burning youth problem is problem of pocket money and smoking.
II gr. Theres no doubt everyone has to face Problems with peers nowadays. Teens have school problems and conflicts with parents.
III gr. . From our point of view other serious problems are conflicts with sisters or brothers and conflicts with friends.
( Каждая группа получает картинки. В течение 15 секунд учащиеся обсуждают их и определяют проблему. Составляют диаграмму связей. )
Problem of pocket money.
School problems.
Conflicts with parents.
Conflicts with sisters or brothers.
Conflicts with friends.

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