Жизнь и проблемы подростков

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develop the ability to select necessary information while reading a text;
P4: I believe well practice general grammar items;
P5: I think well practice and improve our speaking skills

4. Фонетическая зарядка
T: Now lets begin our lesson with the drilling of your phonetics while reading the poem by W. Shakespeare. Mind not only reading rules, but pronunciation and intonation as well.
(учащиеся читают стихотворение и совершенствуют свои произносительные навыки)
(by W. Shakespeare)
Crabbed age and youth cannot live together,
Youth is full of pleasure, age Is full of care;
Youth like summer morn; age like winter weather;
Youth like summer brave - , age like winter bare;
Youth is full of sport; ages breath Is short;
Youth Is hot and bold; age is weak and cold;
Youth is wild and age is tame;
Age, 1 do abhor thee!
Youth, I do adore thee!
Oh, my Love, my Love is young!
5. Расширение лексических навыков.
T: All of you are teenagers. Do you know where did the word teenager come from? What does it mean?
P: The word teenager came from the English language and it means a person who is at the age from 13 to 19.
T: Thats right. Give you associations with this word. Each association should begin with one of the letters of the given word. What are teens like?
(учащиеся называют пройденные имена прилагательные на каждую букву: talkative, trusting, tired, egoistical, entertaining, notorious, negative, aggressive, awkward, ambitious, great, growing up, rebellious, shy, self - conscious)
T: Now lets extend your vocabulary and learn some more words.
T - tense, trying
E - energetic, eager
E - exhausting, easily bored,
N - nervous, needy, naughty

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