Жизнь и проблемы подростков

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отстаивать и аргументировать свою точку зрения;
-учиться понимать точку зрения другого

Тип урока: урок практического применения знаний, умений и навыков.
Образовательные технологии: коммуникативная технология Дебаты.
Формы контроля:
Оснащённость и оборудование урока:
1. Компьютер, проектор, экран.
2. Презентация к уроку.
3. Видео ролик "Проблемы подростков"
Факторы здоровьесбережения: нестандартная форма урока.

1. Организационный момент
T. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Im glad to see you. Sit down and enjoy our lesson.
Today we are going to work together to discuss some serious problems As Henry Ford said:

" To get together is the beginning,
To stay together is a progress,
To work together is a success. "
T: So I hope well work successfully today.
2. Определение темы урока
T: First of all you have to point our theme and I want you to watch the video
(Учащиеся смотрят видео (1 минута), где представляется информация о проблемах подростков (непонимание, стресс, проблемы с родителями и т. д. )
T: Well, what are we going to speak about?
P: Were going to speak about teenagers life and problems
T: Previous lessons we have already spoken of the lifestyle of teenagers, of school life, of bullies. So, we are going on. Today were to summarize the topic.
3. Целеполагание

T: Actually, our life is rather difficult and impossible without problems. So, today were to speak about Youth Problems and the ways of solving them. Now, try to define your aims at our todays lesson.
P1: I think well extend our vocabulary to the topic;
P2: I suppose were to improve our listening skills;
P3: Were going to

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