Жизнь и проблемы подростков

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2) Аудирование.
T: We have listened to your opinions . Teenagers all over the world have troubles too. Lets listen to the British person with whom teenagers share their problems on Childline. ( Childline is the telephone line the British children call if they cant talk about their problems to anyone at home. There is a Childline in Russia too).

(учащиеся прослушивают текст и говорят проблемах британских подростков, отвечают на вопросы)

T: And now answer the questions:
1. Which problems are most typical for teenagers?
(Most typical problems for teenagers are the following:
oo Conflicts with adults (in their families, at school, just in the street).
oo School problems (feeling isolated, bullying)
oo Love)

2. Why do most teenagers use Childline?
(Teenagers need a person to talk to, someone who will listen attentively)

3. What special information do teens need?
(Teens often need special information as how to find a doctor they need, how to give up some bad habits, how to choose friends)

1) Составление диаграммы связей (Mind-map)

T: So, weve listened to your opinions on teens problems and weve discussed British teens ones. Now were to make a mind-map or you can call it a cluster if you prefer. Each group has markers and papers. Write down the problems we-ve talked about and attach them on the board.

Conflicts with adults (families, teachers)
School problems (being rejected or isolated, bullying)
Violence and cruelty
Bad habits (smoking, drinking, drugs, )
Having nobody to rely on
Lack of free time
Choosing a career
Unequal rights with other members of the family
Problem of pocket money

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