Гастрономические традиции Великобритании

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ормулирова-ние учащимися цели урока и планирование учебных действий
Слайд 2
T: Today well speak about food and
British Gastronomic Traditions.
Слайд 3
T: Are you hungry? Do you want to eat? - S1,2,. . .
Слайд 4
T: Are you thirsty? Do you want to drink? - S1,2,. . .
T: Do you like sweet things? - S1,2,. . .
Слайд 5
T: What sweet things do you like? - S1,2,. . .
T: Do you agree that Russian people like sweet things?
S1,2,. . .

Ss: Yes, they do/ No, they dont/ I dont know it

Слайд 6
T: What is our aim today?
Ss: Our aim is to answer the question "DO THE BRITISH LIKE SWEET THINGS TOO?" (формулировка цели урока учащимися)
T: What can we do to answer this question?
Ss: We can read texts/ We can read our Students Book/We can ask teacher

Работа по тексту
Самостоя-тельная работа, взаимопро-верка
(5 мин. )
Развитие речемысли-тельных процессов,
развитие навыков самооценки
T: Lets start by reading (exercise 129). Read the text and if youll read the names of some British traditional sweet things, write down them with translation (you can use the vocabulary). Work in pairs: one student writes, other student works with vocabulary.

Выполнение задания учащимися

T: Revise your results (самопроверка по слайду, учащиеся прочитывают слова с переводом - Слайды 7-13). Who has no mistakes? You are clever students.
Who has some mistakes? Be more attentive.

Ответы на вопросы по тексту
(3 мин. )
Закрепление лексического материала, развитие устной речи, первичный контроль усвоения лексики
T: Answer the questions of exercise 131
Ss . . .

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