Education. Education in Russia

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> 6) a fully grown person, usually 18 or 21
7) having or showing powers of learning, reasoning, or understanding
8) to send or pass from one person, place, thing to another
9) knowledge or skill which comes from practice in an activity or doing something for a long time
10) to get something useful, wanted
Carpentry - 5
To transmit - 8
Experience - 9
To gain - 10
Intelligent - 7
A skill - 1
A sense - 3
A manner - 2
An adult - 6
A heritage - 4
Exercise 4 a) Find in the text the words which have the similar meanings as the following words: to contain, to believe, the means, to study, to get, data, to be responsible for, to want
To contain - to include
To believe - to consider
The means - ways
To study - to learn
To get - to gain
Data - information
To be responsible for - to be in charge of
To want - to wish
b) Find in the text the words which have the opposite meanings to the following words: informal, narrow, bad, the beginning, old, to give up, small, before
Informal - formal
Narrow - broad
Bad - good
The beginning - the end
Old - young
To give up - to continue
Small - large
Before - after:
1) Объяснение грамматического материала по теме времена группы Indefinite(Simple) Active.
And now we are going to revise grammar material about simple tenses.
Look at the table and read the following information.

Present Simple
Past Simple
Future Simple
1. You work
He works
2. You dont work
He doesnt work
3. Do you work?
Does he work?

1. You worked
They wrote
2. You didnt work
They didnt write
3. Did y

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