Education. Education in Russia

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ение упражнений на закрепление лексики
Exercise1 Divide the following words into three groups, those which describe a)informal education, b)formal education, c)special education:
Library, museum, a teacher, schools, colleges, universities, a videotape, a television show, informal manner, to pass exams, a certificate, a diploma, a degree, gifted children, adults, general education, vocational education.
a) informal education: library, museum, a videotape, a television show, informal manner
b) formal education: a teacher, schools, colleges, to pass exams, gifted children, general education
c) special education: colleges, universities, a certificate, a diploma, a degree, adults, vocational education
Exercise2 Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the following groups of words:
1) a school, a museum, a college, a university
2) a pupil, a learner, a teacher, a student
3) a test, a diploma, a degree, a certificate
4) geography, history, arithmetic, heritage
5) carpentry, metalwork, electronics, writing
1) a museum
2) a teacher
3) a test
4) heritage
5) writing
Exercise3 Match each word with its correct definition:
Carpentry, to transmit, experience, to gain, intelligent, a skill, a sense, a manner, an adult, a heritage
1) a special ability to do something well, gained by learning and practice
2) the way or method in which something is done or happens
3) good and especially practical understanding
4) an object, custom, or quality which is passed down over many years within a nation, social group, or family
5) the art of work of a person who is skilled at making and repairing wooden objects, especially one who does this as a job

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