Education. Education in Russia

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ou work?
Did they write?

1. I shall work
He will work
2. I shall not work
(shant work)
He will not work
(wont work)
3. Shall I work?
Will he work?

Usually - обычно
Often - часто
Seldom - редко
Rarely -редко
Always - всегда
As a rule - как правило
Every day - каждый день
Sometimes - иногда

ago-тому назад
last week- на прошлой неделе
last year(month, century)- в прошлом году(месяце, веке)
tomorrow- завтра
in a week - через неделю
next week- на следующей неделе
Lets do some exercises.
Ex. 1 Раскройте скобки, укажите время глагола.
1) He (know) several foreign languages.
2) I (learn) English at school.
3) Usually the lessons (begin) at 9 oclock.
4) He often (visit) them last year.
5) As a rule I (go) to my technical school by bus.
6) At present he (work) at school.
7) What you (do) yesterday?
8) My brother (like) learning History.
9) His sister (go) to the seaside next July.
10) I (meet) him at the lesson tomorrow.
1) knows
2) learned
3) begin
4) visited
5) go
6) works
7) did you do
8) likes
9) will go
10) shall meet
Ex. 2 Определите время сказуемого в следующих предложениях.
1)His sister studies at school. 2)You will see him tomorrow. 3)I went to the college at 7 oclock. 4)Who took my book? 5)They work every day. 6)I shall read this book next week. 7)We translated this text last lesson. 8)What books does he usually read? 9)She will visit you soon. 10)We shall be good specialists in some years. 11)My father went to Moscow yesterday. 12)You will take this book in the library. 13)He knew these wo

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