Education. Education in Russia

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rds well. 14)Tomorrow well go to our tutor. 15)Shall I read this text?
1) Present Indefinite
2) Past Indefinite
3) Future Indefinite
1) Present Ind.
2) Future Ind.
3) Past Ind.
4) Past Ind.
5) Present Ind.
6) Future Ind.
7) Past Ind.
8) Present Ind.
9) Future Ind.
10) Future Ind.
11) Past Ind.
12) Future Ind.
13) Past Ind.
14) Future Ind.
Ex. 3 Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1)He studies at the college. 2)They play football well. 3)We usually watched TV in the evening. 4)Our teacher asks many questions. 5)Nick worked at school last year. 6) Well go to St. Petersburg in summer. 7)They went to Moscow. 8)They study English. 9)My sister finished her work. 10) He will arrive at 6. 00 p. m.
1) Does he study at the college? He doesnt study at the college.
2) Do they play football well? They dont play football well.
3) Did you usually watch TV in the evening? We didnt watch TV in the evening.
4) Does your teacher ask many questions? Our teacher doesnt ask many questions.
5) Did Nick work at school last year? Nick didnt work at school last year.
6) Shall we go to St. Petersburg in summer? We shall not go to St. Petersburg in summer.
7) Did they go to Moscow? They didnt go to Moscow.
8) Do they study English? They dont study English.
9) Did your sister finish her work? My sister didnt finish her work.
10) Will he arrive at 6. 00 p. m. ? He will not arrive at 6. 00. p. m.
5) Работа с текстом Education in Russia. Построение диалогов на основе текста.
And now lets speak about education in Russia. You are to read the text, the words and make up a dialogu

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