Анализ стихотворения "The rime of ancient marinee" by S. Coleridge

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ach Gods word by his own example
That we must love all things thaat God made.

And the wedding guests a sad and wiser man
And the tale goes on and on and on.

Тема урока: Анализ стихотворения (отрывка) Сэмюэла Кольриджа "The Rime of Ancient Marinee"
Цель: Обучение анализу художественного поэтического аутентичного текста на примере произведения С. Кольриджа "The Rime of Ancient Marinee"
- Познакомить учащихся с художественным произведением эпохи романтизма
- Выделить особенности художественного произведения как примера данного направления в литературе
- Отработка фонетических навыков при прочтении отрывка вслух
- Художественный перевод отрывка
- Выход на монологическое высказывание с опорой на текст, ключевые вопросы
- Анализ иллюстраций (гравюр) к произведению и выход на монологическое высказывание с опорой на них
План урока:
Warm-up: Today we are going to get acquainted with a poem which is truly considered to be a masterpiece by Samuel Coleridge who was one of the representatives of the literary movement called ROMANTICISM. If you want to know more about the author you can use the following web-site. We are more interested in the analyses of his poem.
To begin with Id like you to complete the following word-formation task to clear up the definition of the term "romanticism"
Task 1: Romanticism is a literary (move) and a profound shift in (sensible), which took place in Britain and throughout Europe (rough) between 1770-1848. Intellectually it marked a (violence) reaction to the Enlightenment. (Policy) it was inspired by the revolutions in America and France/ Emotionally it expressed an extreme assertion of the self and the value of individual expe

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