Анализ стихотворения "The rime of ancient marinee" by S. Coleridge

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rience together with the sense of the infinite and (transcendent). Socially it (champion) progressive causes. The (style) keynote of romanticism is intensity, and its watchword is "(imagin)"
- What is romanticism?
- Where and when did it take place?
-What was it a reaction to?
- What was its emotional peculiarity?
- What is its stylistic keynote? What does it mean?
- What role does imagination play in this movement?

Task 2: Now, I will ask you to comment on the following statements which are taken from some representatives of romanticism:
1) A man isnt a social animal, but an individual
2) Imagination is a faculty of human mind capable of penetrating the surface reality of human life and understanding a kind of truth which lay beyond the power of reason.
3) Solitude is important for the fulfillment of ones vision
4) A child or a savage possesses an instinctive kind of knowledge
5) Nature is no longer something to be tamed and brought within the precise confines.
Now you see the points of philosophy the representatives of this literary movement shared and promoted.
So we are ready to work with the poem.
Pre-reading task:
You will listen to the song by rather a well-known rock-group "The Iron Maiden" who managed to adapt the poem "The Rime of Ancient Marinee" and put it to music. While listening to the extract try to analyze your emotions. What impression does the music produce?
(possible answer: dark, gloomy, tense, fear, suspense)
Task 3: As you could have understood from your brief scanning the text this is a story told by. . . (answer: the marine, a marine is a sailor) who came to the wedding unexpectedly and chose a listener)
Find th

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