Schools in the UK - конспект для урока

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Schools in the UK.

Education abroad has always been considered prestigious, especially for the younger generation, so today I will share with you my observations on how education is conducted in British schools.

First of all, it is worth saying that our schools are very different from the British ones. If we have decided to give children to study at about six to seven years, in England, children are given to study at about five years.

In General, all training there is divided into three stages. The first is elementary school, just like we do. There children learn up to twelve or thirteen years old, and studying a number of subjects, they are about 12. After that, the child goes to secondary school, where he studies until the age of sixteen. There students eventually pass the exam and receive the likeness of our passport, it is quite possible to go to College. Finally, the third stage is a high school, where students are taught to adulthood. There emphasis is placed only on the subjects necessary for admission to the UNIVERSITY, and at the end of the school graduates pass a special exam. An important plus-the result of this exam is already the basis for admission to the UNIVERSITY, that is, it will not be necessary to pass the exams even when entering.

With discipline in English schools everything is strict, so unruly and restless children will be useful to send here to study. There they have to wear school uniform. Live students in buildings near the school-boarding houses. Moreover, boys separately, girls separately. In one room are several people, privileges are given only to students from the age of 16 – they Lodge one or two people in the room.

The learning process has its own characteristics. For example, if we have an estimate put only for the final answer, in England the student receives estimates even for an attempt to answer, if it was in the right direction. This greatly stimulates children to study.

Teachers pay the main attention to the fact that the child was fully developed and could speak on any issue. Therefore, students are constantly asked to say what they think about this or that, and this is also appreciated.

In the UK, it is also considered polite to thank a teacher if he has made you a remark or instructed. This fact initially long can not accept Russian children and their parents who live in England, because the Russian criticism is not very fond.

To prepare a child for admission to English school, first of all, he must know at least the basics of English. It would be useful to send him to summer school on the program of the English language. Also, together with the child need to learn some important points about the culture and traditions of England, the child to feel comfortable and confident in the new country. For admission, a child must pass a special test, which is sent to his / her school directly from England and the results of this test are selected capable students who are already interviewed by representatives of English schools.

In principle, it is not so difficult. But the result will make itself felt: the child will be confident to know English, will acquire the skill of communication with foreigners and will get a lot of impressions about the culture and customs of another country!

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