Why study English?

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/>- Now I want you to answer my questions. Be active and give the full answers, please. (слайд 3)
1) What languages do you speak?
2) Are you proud to be Russian?
3) How can you describe the Russians?
4) Australians speak German, dont they?
5) Can you name English-speaking countries?
6) What the most frequently used languages in the world do you know?
7) What do you know about personal characteristics of the English?
8) English language. What does it mean for you? (слайд 4)
T: As for me, English language - is the very important part of my life. And what about you?
P1: As for me English is the interesting subject at school.
P2: As for me, English will help we to get a good job in the future. . .
T: Good. Thank you.

4. Развитие навыков устной речи
T: Nowadays English language is very popular. So, can you say why do you study English? Open your books on page 45, exercise 45 will help you to answer my questions.
P1: I study English because I want to go abroad in the future
P2: I learn English, because I would like to have a good job. . .
T: There are different reasons why people all over the world learn English. Tell me please, how do you think why people learn English language?
P1: Some people want to read books in original.
P2: Businessmen all over the world have to learn English to communicate with each other. . .
T: Good! Thank you.

5. Развитие умений и навыков просмотрового чтения
T: Open your books on page 44, ex 42. Look through the text for several minutes. Lets find out why people all over the world study English.
P1: Politicians have to learn English to communicate with each other at the summit meetings.
P2: People have to learn this language because

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