Why study English?

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they want to travel abroad etc.
T: Fine! Lets read the most popular reasons for learning English one by one. (слайд 5)

6. Активизация страноведческого материала
T: We found out why people all over the world learn English language. And one of the reasons studying a foreign language is to listen and understand English songs. A lot of people fond of listening foreign modern and past years songs. Now I offer you to listen two very beautiful and well-known songs.
(слайд 6)
T: Does anybody know this song? What group does sing this song?
Ps: The Beatles.
T: What is the name of the song?
Ps: "Yesterday"
T: Good. Now, lets listen another one. (слайд 7) So, what song is it?
Ps: The singer is Stevie Wonder, the song is "Ive just called"
T: If you want to get a good mark on the next lesson, you may find some information about these singers, about their life and musical careers. I will be your additional home task.

7. Физкультминутка
T: Stand up and have a rest a little.

8. Ознакомление со способами словообразования существительных
T: All pupils in our class would like to know English well. It is very important to know the rules of word building. Lets learn the suffixes of the nouns. You can see the example in exercise 47, page 45. Как и в русском языке, в английском есть производные существительные. Производные существительные образуются от простых существительных или других частей речи с помощью суффикса или приставки. Сегодня мы рассмотрим суффиксальный способ словообразования существительных. Наиболее распространенными являются следующие суффиксы: (слайд 8)
Lets read and translate the words as example.
P1: information - информация
P2: solution - решение. .

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