. (No, I didnt)
T: Why?
P: It was sunny ( very cold) yesterday.
T: OK! Are you ready for the lesson?
Children: Yes, we are!
T: OK! Lets start!
Т: The topic of our lesson is " What do you do to help your family"
I would like to know what you do usually to make your parents happy.
My question is: "Do you help your parents?" and " What did you do yesterday to help your mum or dad?"
II. Фонетическая зарядка. Речевая зарядка.
I know you like to play. Pay attention to our screen.
Ive got an interesting task for you. The task is:
- listen to the poem (Учащиесяпрослушиваютстихотворение)
"One Busy Housewife"
One busy housewife to sweep up the floor.
Two busy housewives to polish the door.
Three busy housewives to wash all the socks.
Four busy housewives to wind up the clocks.
Five busy housewives to cook dinner too.
Six busy housewives with nothing left to do.
- matchthepicturestothesentences (дети рассматривают картинки и подбирают к ним предложения из стихотворения на доске (экране)
- read the sentences to illustrate the pictures (читают предложения описывая каждую картинку)
в) читают стихотворение по цепочке по одной строчке.
III. Закрепление лексики по теме и II форм правильных и неправильных глаголов.
Task: Look at the blackboard and read the words : fed, do, go, took, cook, make, did, lay, answer, went, helped, clean, feed, water, cook, made, laid, answered, feed, take, cooked, cleaned, help, watered. . . .
Your task is : Make pairs using these words. ( На столах у учащихся карточки с данными словами( неправильные глаголы: их 1 и 2 формы) и дети самостоятельно составляют пары из данных слов, затем ж
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