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Приветствие, проверка готовности к уроку и проблематизация (подведение к теме урока)
Greetings. A brief talk about the pupils colour preferences.
Teacher (T): Now look at the screen and try to guess what we are going speak about.
( pupils look. )

:: Контрольное задание: What are we going to speak about? Do you all agree? (фронтальный опрос)

Время на выполнение задания: 3 минуты
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2. Введение и первичное закрепление нового языкового материала (новая лексика по теме colours).
:: Работа над произносительными навыками.
T. : Lets imagine that today is Sunday and we are going to the supermarket to buy some things for our new house. But first of all we can write a list. a. What can we buy for our new house first of all?
Pupil (P)1: a bad, a table, a desk, some chairs, TV.
T. : What colour can they be?
Ps. 2, 3. . . . . . . (фронтальный опрос)
T: Lets sum up your ideas and name the most important goods and their colours

:: Критерии на экране, ученики, следуя образцу учителя, произносят их хором (фонетическая зарядка).
T: Good job! You know a lot of things and can choose good colours for them. Work in 2s and explain your choice. (работа в парах)

:: Контрольное задание: What can we buy in the supermarket? What colour is it?

Время на выполнение задания: 8 минут.
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Формирование умений извлечения основной информации из прочитанного текста
T: Now we are ready to go to the supermarket. I have some information about things. Read it and say which of the goods we can buy for bedroom, kitchen and living-room.
Youve got one minute for that.

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