Иванович, 1824
Душа моя объята тьмою. . .
Душа моя объята тьмою. . .
Певец, скорее арфы звон
Ты пробуди своей игрою
Пускай мой слух лелеет он.
И если сердца святы грезы,
Откликнусь я; коль может течь
Слеза из глаз, то хлынут слезы
И перестанут мозг мне жечь.
Пусть в песне той молчит отрада;
В напеве будь уныл и дик.
Поверь певец - мне плакать надо.
Иль разорвется сердце вмиг.
Оно томимо вечной скукой,
Тоской взлелеяно оно.
И вот покончить разом с мукой
Иль песни власть признать должно.
Козлов Павел Алексеевич
You have learned many interesting about Byron. And now I suggest you to do some tasks.
1. Listen to the text and tell what it is about
Isaac Nathan
Some twenty-nine of Lord Byrons poems, including such Romantic classics as "She Walks in Beauty," were originally written not as poetry to be read or recited but as lyrics to be sung to music composed by Isaac Nathan, the first Jewish musician to attain public recognition in England. TheseHebrew Melodies, published in 1815, 1816, and 1824-1829, were conceived by their creators and received by the British public as music in the then-popular genre of national or ethnic airs. Over the years, however, Nathans melodies have slipped below the horizon of scholarly attention while Byrons lyrics have entered the literature as poetry. The texts are widely available in many editions; however, their original musical settings had not been re-published since the mid-nineteenth century until a facsimile edition ofHebrew Melodiesedited by Paul Douglass and Frederick Burwick opened new perspectives on Byrons accomplishment, as well as the entire Romantic project
Прослушивание песен на стихи Байрона.
2. Test.
1. The
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