Travel and leisure

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х значений этого глагола (разрешение/запрет).
3. Основной этап урока виды речевой деятельности:
- развитие умений поискового вида чтения;;
- совершенствование навыков письменной речи.
-развивать умение понимать речь в нормальном темпе при прослушивании записи, сделанной носителями языка;
-развивать память, мышление, внимание.

Установка: Т. - Read the adverts and find (ex 3, p. 116): two places to stay, three activities, two means of transport and three countries
Students answer: (читают рекламу в учебнике и отмечают найденные слова) places to stay: apartments, camps activities: rock climbing, mountaineering, trekking, mountain biking, whitewater rafting, doing shopping, etc means of transport: coach, cruise ship countries: Spain, Egypt, Ireland
T: look at the exercise 3b and match the people (1-5) to the holidays (A-E). Please, pay attention to the words: rest, extreme sports, animals, ancient culture, green countryside. (слайд 5)
Students answer:
1B, 2A, 3E, 4C, 5D


Установка: T. - Imagine, you are a travel agent. Your partner (client) wants to spend his/her holidays abroad. Used the information in the adverts to advise him/her. Make your dialogue, please (ex. 4, p. 116)
Students answer:
(предполагаемый ответ):
A: Id really like to go abroad this summer.
B: Why dont you go to Egypt?
A: Egypt? What can you do there?
B: Well, theres a lot to see. For example, you can take a wonderful cruise on the Nile and see the ancient sities.
A: What else can you do?
B: You can learn a lot about Egypts history and culture.
A: Hmm. Egypt sounds like a good idea!

Установка: T. - Lets do an exercise 6. Open your exercise book. Make

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