10 min
10 min
oo Watch an electric generator animation from the link shown
oo Power point presentation on the new topic on transformers.
Teacher/ student activity
- Class activity on pair and share from the guided questions on the power point presentation.
-Student presentations in their respective groups on ac generation, the working of an electric motor, electric power transmission and the advantages and disadvantages of high voltage transmission,
- Testing
- Introduce the new topic on transformers.
- Problem solving using the formula.
https://www. youtube. com/watch?vgQyamjPrw-U
https://www. bbc. com/bitesize/guides/zqys97h/revision/5
https://www. youtube. com/watch?vCx47lIjoBA
Problem workbook
2 minutes
Reflection: Students will answer the following questions with a thumbs up/middle/down
1) Why is there an induced voltage?
2) Explain why a transformer does not work on d. c.
3) Why is there is a phase difference between the input and output voltages?
4) What happens to the input current if the output current increases?
Power point presentation.
http://www. youtube. com/watch?vZjwzpoCiF8A&featurerelated&safeactive
5 min
Organizational moment to reacquaint students with the lesson objectives, success criteria, and answer any questions from the previous lesson.
Presentation with objectives, etc.
25 min
oo Continues with the presentation on the new topic.
oo Problem solving.
Provide worksheets with questions.
-Highlights key concepts, definitions, and e
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