Titanic. The Participle

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ust firing the rockets in fun.
I. : They say the Captain was sleeping in his cabin at that time, and so the Californian just went on. . . What were you doing?
S. : We were sleeping. And then they told us to come out of our rooms. Many people were wearing nightgowns and pyjamas. Some people were laughing and joking. The band was playing some cheerful music. People still thought they were on a ship that couldnt sink.
I. : But what about the lifeboats? Why didnt the passengers use the lifeboats on the Titanic?
S. : Some did, but there werent enough lifeboats. There were 2,227 people on board and there were only enough lifeboats for 1,100 of them. We were lucky to get in one of the first lifeboats.
I. : And so you and your parents escaped, but 1,500 people were drowned.
S. : Yes. . . with a dance-band playing, by the way. It was playing music until the last few seconds. They were trying to keep the passengers calm.
Survive - выжить passenger - пассажир
Disaster - катастрофа, бедствие mystery - загадка
Happen - случаться fire - выпускать ракету
Vividly - живо, отчётливо on board - на борту
Cost - стоимость wear - быть одетым во что-л.
Price of the ticket - цена билета nightgown - ночная рубашка
Expensive - дорогостоящий laugh - смеяться
For fun - для удовольствия cheerful - весёлый
Safe - безопасный sink (sank) - утонуть
Inside - внутри lifeboat - спасательная лодка
Smooth - гладкий, спокойный (о море) drown - утонуть
Dangerous - опасный keep calm - успокаивать
Appear - появляться
Strike (struck) - столкнуться
Pass nearby - проходить поблизости
Обратите внимание на то, что о морских судах говорят "she".
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