Средства массовой информации, преимущества и недостатки

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жной информации, обсуждение заполнение форм)
VI. Защита своей работы. Обсуждение. Оценивание, используя критерий.
VII. Создание ответного письма.
VIII. Заключительная часть урока. Рефлексия учебной деятельности. Подведения итогов. Выставления оценок. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания.

Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент. (2-3 минуты)
Good morning, children. Sit down please. I am glad to see you. Today at our lesson we have some guests. They would like to see your achievements in English. Dont worry it will be all right. We divide our class into 3 groups, each group has its own tasks. Om your desks you can see newspapers, magazines, TV programs, and notebook.
Do you know what is the topic of our lesson today?(учащиеся отвечают).
Yes you are right. Mass Media or in Russian language - СМИ. We are going to speak about this as you know, the Mass Media play a very important role in our life. Modern life is not impossible without information. Is that true? Agree or disagree with me? What kind of Mass Media do you know?(ответ учащихся) We obtain information at school, by watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers, and from Internet.
Each group has your own name: First group- Press
Second group- Television
Third group- Internet
But now, children, what is the aim or purpose of our lesson? We are collected here. Why?( учащиеся называют цель урока) Thank you. If you want to discuss this, you will need to repeat some words and words combination.
II. Фонетическая разминка (учащиеся повторяют за учителем ранее изученную лексику) 1-1. 5 минуты)
Mass Media, the Internet, I prefer, channel, TV programme, broadcast, I have to confess, to have an idea, to bring people closer, encyclopedi

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