Среднесрочное планирование по английскому языку

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nswer them verbally before
writing the answers in their bookResources:
HYPERLINK "http://www. nap. edu. au/Documents/PDF/201220Marking20Guide. pdf" www. nap. edu. au/Documents/PDF/201220Marking20Guide. pdf
Large butchers paper
Ex: 10. 11 page 76
Ex:12. 15 page 78

Step Three
Our favorite recipes
(1 hour)

22. 12. 2015
Identify key ingredients in Greek cuisine including fresh herbs, yogurt, olive oil and vegetables.
Demonstrate their ability to make yogurt dip and use a knife to cut vegetables.
List nutrients that are in yogurt and vegetables and describe the health beneIn this lesson, students learn about and cook with foods that are part of Greek cuisine, including fresh
herbs, yogurt, olive oil and vegetables. Students also learn that Greek cuisine is a plant-based way of eating that keeps us healthy today and also prevent us from getting diseases in the future.
To experience Greek cuisine, students learn to prepare and eat Tzatziki Yogurt Cucumber Dip and Crispy Pita Chips. Observations and
oral questioning
Written comments
on childrens work
Written work and
Evaluation of
lessons in planningExtension:
Write some
evidence that there
are forces working
in the classroom.
Draw a diagram to
show that.
Pupils to be helped
to read and understand the pages. To talk over
the questions with the teacher and answer them verbally before
writing the answers in their bookResources:
HYPERLINK "http://www. teachervision. fen. com/page/56750. html" Curious George Banana Bread Recipe
Ex: 5 page 80
Ex:13. 14page 84
1. Conclusion

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