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o count animals. (45 rabbits, 25 crocodiles, 20 cats, 10 dogs)
V. Физминутка.
Учитель и учащиеся:
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
VI. Отработка новой и закрепление изученной лексики.
Учитель: Numbers can rime. Look at the screen and listen to the poem.
(на слайде стихотворение)
I am eleven,
My brother is seven,
My mother is thirty,
My father is forty,
My granny is seventy- two.
How old are you?
- Have you understood the poem? Can you replace words to numbers? Check your task. (заменяют слова на цифры, изображения членов семьи но слова).
- Who wants to recite the poem? (восстанавливают стихотворение с опорой на картинки)
VII. Продуктивная деятельность.
Цель: Применение полученных знаний.
(Чтение и говорение: игра в командах. Отгадать рассказ - загадку и поселить своего питомца, записав улицу и номер домика цифрами).
Учитель: You must read the text and guess. Who is it?

It is white and grey. It has 2 ears and 2 eyes and a tail. It can run and jump but it cant swim. It likes to eat milk and fish but it doesnt like oranges. It lives in Green Street, house number fifty. (The cat, Green Street, 50)

It is black and brown. It has short neck, black nose and funny face. It can run well but it cant fly. It likes to eat meat. It likes to play. It lives in Yellow Street, house number fifty- one. (The dog, Yellow Street, 51)

It is green, yellow and blue. It has got a funny face and a long tail. It can sing and fly well but it cant run. It likes to eat corn and apples. It lives in White Street, house number

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