Путешествие в Австралию

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an unknown and. Wicked pirates from the Coral Sea took me away from home (when I was sleeping on my ship) and stole my treasures. Here I give you some information about the country. The map and tasks can help you to find and save me.
Good luck,
Captain Nemo
Its a l) c- - - - - - -t, an, 2) i - - - - d, and an 3) i-----t
country. It borders on 4) A - - a, 5)A- - - - - - - -a, and
6) N –wZ-----d. The 7) 1- - - - n Ocean washes it
с Ocean washes it in the east. It is also washed by the Timor, the Coral and the Tasmanian Seas.
The 50 of the land is 9) d - - - -t (dry and uninhabited). There are 3 of them: the Great Sandy, the Great Victoria, the Gibson. They are in the west. People live mostly in the south and southeast.
In the northeast 10) t - - - - - -l f - - - - ts cover the
T - Well, show me you words…, and do you know what country it is?
Cl – Yes, its Australia.
T – Right! …so, the topic of the lesson is…
Работа со страноведческой таблицей «Досье Австралии» T - Lets find more information about the country and speak about it.
Каждый учащийся получает таблицу, составляет предложения, опираясь на информацию, учитель предлагает нескольким учащимся прокомментировать ее. Неподготовленный монолог.
Работа с карточками «Досье главных городов Австралии» и «Досье животных Австралии»
T - Lets visit the cities and the animals. Учащиеся парами комментируют (выбранные из 2 тем) таблицы, составляя диалог, опираясь на информацию, в режиме P1-P2, P3-P4… Неподготовленный диалог.
P1 — Hello, could I ask you some questions about Australia?
P2 — Hello, of course, what would you like to know?
P1 - What is the capital of Australia?
P2 – Oh, its easy. Canberra is the capital city of the C

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