География Великобритании - конспект для урока

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Введение нового материала по теме.

Этап урока

Деятельность  учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Универсальные действия

Организационный момент  

      Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Would you like to greet your partners, our guests and me.


      Teacher: Take your seats. I hope you will take an active part in our lesson. Today we have an unusual lesson.

Look at the screen. Read the sentences try to guess the topic of our lesson, what we are going to speak about.

What is the topic of our lesson?

Today we continue to travel about Britain and you’ll know more interesting information about this beautiful country.                                    

Class: Good morning!

Читают предложения на слайде,  предполагают название темы.

Class: The Geographical Position of Great Britain.


Фонетическая зарядка      


But before we begin our traveling, you must remember  how to pronounce  different English names and  countries.

Open your books at page 67, ex. 4

Listen and repeat!

Повторяют за диктором географические названия.


Актуализация знаний. Речевая разминка           

Look at the map and show these places on it:

1) the British Isles
2) Ireland
3) England
4) Scotland
5) Wales
6) Northern Ireland
7) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Let's check


Answer the following questions:

- What is the official name of the whole country? 

- How many parts does the UK consist of? Name them.

- Where is the United Kingdom of  Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated?

- What seas and oceans is the UK washed by?

- What is the climate of the UK like?

Показывают на карте места, перечисленные в списке.

Отвечают на вопросы:

-The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of  Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

- The UK consists of four parts. They are Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland.

- It is situated on the British Isles.

- The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. The English channel separates Great Britain from the continent.

- The climate of GB is changeable and it often rains.


Введение нового материала

I understand that you know some information about Great Britain.

Now it’s time to read the text.

1. Read the sentences. p. 67 ex. 5

Pupils, what is the Russian for "million"?

What is the Russian for "continent"?

Read the key words and word combinations  and guess what the text is about. p. 67 ex.6

2. Let's read the text and choose the best name for it. Go on p. 69, ex. 8

You are given three minutes.

3. Time is over. Give a name the text.

4. Find in the text following word combinations and translate them, please.

What is the Russian for "to the northwest of the continent"?

What is the Russian for "lies on the islands"?

What is the Russian for "this ancient city"?

What is the Russian for "the British government"?

What is the Russian for "It means that"?

5. Work in pairs. Make the plan of the text.

6. Read the sentences. Are these facts true, false, or not stated in the text?

7. Put the missing words into the text.

Читают новые слова и словосочетания к тексту и переводят.

Читают текст самостоятельно.

Выбирают заголовок.

Находят в тексте словосочетания и переводят.

Составляют план текста. Работают в парах.

Читают предложения, отмечают правда или неправда или не упоминалось в тексте.

Читают текст и заполняют пропуски.


Обощение и систематизация  знаний


Контроль усвоения

Retell the text.

Listen to the text and complete the sentences.

Пересказывают текст.

Слушают и дополняют предложения.


Информация о домашнем задании.

Инструктаж по его выполнению.

-Your homework will be the p.71, ex. 3 to answer the questions. Speak about Great Britain.

Записывают домашнее задание.



Thank you for such an interesting and exciting lesson. It was really great. I am very glad that you are interested in English.

Let’s do the usual task, answer these questions: today we spoke about …; it was interesting to know…; it was difficult …;  now I know…;  I will try …; I was surprised …


 Thank you, bye!!!

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